What’s New in QuizOne 2022/11

We just updated our QuizOne and we think you’ll love it!

Here’s a quick rundown of the new features:

Progress report
Now, in the Test Scoring and CAT Schedule, you can generate a candidate progress test report. Thus, you can compare the candidate’s progress along the selected tests.

Test ID
A new update that allows better control of test versions by maintaining the test ID across multiple versions.

Candidate device information
Now, in the Test Scoring when printing the candidate information, you also have access to the candidate device information. For example, you have information regarding the browser, IP address, and OS version.

CAPT Review Requests
When creating a shift in CAPT, you have the option to allow candidates to ask for review requests during the test. Furthermore, after the test end, it is possible to download a report with all review requests.

Added character counter
A new update that allows counting characters when:
– creating and editing a question in Question Bank;
– importing summative and formative questions;
– creating blueprints and shifts in CAPTs.
The counter calculates the number of characters in your text and shows how many characters you have available.

Added button to print shifts
Now, when viewing a test in Test Schedule, you have a button that allows you to print the shifts. Thus, you will have easy access to a PDF file with all code shifts.

Refresh automatically the candidate’s summative test page
The candidate’s summative test page was updated to refresh automatically, preventing situations where the candidate cannot view the test.

Added an option to disable chat in summative and CAT tests
When scheduling a summative or CAT test, now you can disable the chat option

Validations for blueprint creation
Added validation in CAPT that only allows saving the blueprint if you have the minimum number of questions in the total of the selected areas.
Standard setting
Added a new feature that allows you to set a standard setting for each test question and print an Excel file with all the information.

Questions’ blueprint in summative tests
Added a new feature to create summative test questions’ blueprints based on the selected categories. Thus, when scheduling a test (in blueprint mode), you can automatically add random questions to the test from the selected category.

Question preview on the test schedule
Now, in the test schedule, you can visualize and navigate between questions through the buttons Previous or Next.

On-site check-in
When scheduling a summative test, you can select the option “On-site check-in” to allow you to perform the attendance tracking and give the test access only to the candidates that are present.

PayPal confirmation
Added PayPal Webhook to receive payment confirmation.
Option to share AIG Models
Added an option that allows you to share your AIG Models with other collaborators.

Recycle Bin for summative tests
Added a Recycle Bin for summative tests, thus allowing the recovery of the deleted tests.

Download of shift scores in CAPT
A new update allows the download of shift scores in CAPT in an Excel file.

Question navigation in CAPT
Now, in CAPT, you can navigate between questions through the buttons Previous or Next.

Bug fixes and performance improvements

Test version control
A new update that allows better control of test versions when viewing, editing, scheduling, and scoring te
In this way, it is only possible to use the ID of the current version of the test.
View questions in Recycle Bin
Corrections were made to allow viewing of the questions in Recycle Bin.
Formative test scores
Corrections were made in Formative test scores, to show the correct score.
Shuffle formative question items
Corrections were made in shuffle question items of the formative test.
Formative sections order
Corrections were made in formative sections’ order.
Duplicated questions in the formative test
Improvements were made when creating a formative test, to not allow adding duplicated questions.
Archive offline test
A new update in the Test Schedule, to allow the achievement of an offline test.
Check-in via iPad
Corrections were made to allow the check-in through the iPad.
Load images on iPad
Corrections were made that allow the proper load of the images on the iPad.
Confirmation window when deleting attachments in the question bank
Improvements were made when editing a question to not allow the removal of an attachment file without confirmation.

Show tests created by deleted users
Corrections were made that allow view tests created by deleted users.

Added total questions in CAPT
Added a new feature to see the total question when creating a shift in CAPT.

Bulk import to reset the users’ passwords
A new update allows the bulk import of current users to reset the passwords.

Real-time update of the attendance tracking
Added a new feature that allows the real-time update of the attendance tracking from all proctors.

New examination page in CAPT tests
Added a new examination page in CAPT tests.

Question navigation in CAPT
Now, in CAPT, you can navigate between questions through the buttons Previous or Next.

Real-time monitoring of CAPT tests
Added a new feature to allow the real-time monitoring of events on CAPT tests.

Report for CAPT test taker’s activity
Added a new report for the CAPT test taker’s activity.

Bidirectional navigation option in CAPT
Now, in CAPT, you can enable the bidirectional navigation option. That is, the candidate can go backwards and forwards.

Events – Bank transfer email
Now, when the candidate pays by bank transfer, the email sent notifying the submission will have “bank transfer” on the email subject.

Shift name when changing a shift schedule
Added a shift name when changing a shift schedule on test monitoring.

Shift name on the test attendance page
Now, on the test attendance page, when switching shifts, you have the name of the shift.