What’s New in QuizOne 2022/10

We just updated our QuizOne and we think you’ll love it!

Here’s a quick rundown of the new features:

New features

Update in Question Bank
Now, in Question Bank you can view the question directly, by clicking on “View question”.

Update of the Form Bank display
Now, when you click on “View form details”, in the Form Bank list, you will see a new display, that allows you to view the Total answers, Total Inquirers, and the Inquirers that answered.

Update on Question Bank categories
When creating a question, now you can add tree structure categories, having the possibility to assign only one tree node.

New user interface for scheduling Formative Tests
The Formative Test Schedule interface has been updated to be similar to Test Schedule.
Additionally, the new interface allows you to directly view the questions.

New user interface for author/examiner to view Formative Test Scoring
The interface for viewing the formative test scoring was updated for author/examiner. In the new update, the interface has been updated to be similar to summative test scoring.

New user interface for candidates to view Formative Test Scoring
The interface for viewing the formative test scoring was updated, for candidates. In the new update, the interface has been updated to be similar to summative test scoring.

Added the option to show the provisional result to the Formative Test Schedule
When scheduling a Formative Test, you can select the option “Show provisional results”, to allow candidates access to the provisional result, immediately after the test submission.

Provisional correction of the test
The option “Show provisional correction “, allows candidates access to the provisional correction for all the questions, immediately after the test submission.

Control over editing simultaneously in summative and formative tests
A new update allows controlling the simultaneous editing on summative and formative tests, allowing only the recording of the author who recorded it first, therefore, there is better control of the versions.

New search field in Question Bank
Now in Question Bank, you can specify an exact time range for question search, by defining the “Start date” and “End date” in the “Last update date” field.

Search questions by external codes
Now in Question Bank, you can search questions using an external code, for example, a code that was generated by other old software.

Test score
Now, when scheduling a formative or summative test, in “Test score” you can define the test rating scale.

New Section layout
In the new layout of test sections, the candidates can view all sections.

QuizManager profile
When creating a new Curricular Unit, all users with the QUIZ MANAGER profile are allowed to view and edit all questions.

Sequential Sections

When creating a test with sections, now you can select the option “Mandatory sequential sections”, thus, the candidate can only move to the next section after finishing the previous one.

Question version history

Now, in Question Bank, when editing a question, you can view and compare the question’s different versions.

OSCE Schedule Table

Now when creating an OSCE you will visualize the schedule in a table format. 
Moreover, you can change candidates’ stations just by simply moving the candidates to the station that you want to change. You can also add time intervals and change them.

Strikethrough question options
Now the candidates can strikethrough question options in formative tests, like in summative tests.

Default value for test score

Now, in your Default Settings, you can define a default value for summative and formative test scores. Thus, when setting this value, all tests will have the pre-defined value.

Bug fixes and performance improvements

Test version ID control
A new update that allows better control of test versions when viewing, editing, scheduling, and scoring tests.
In this way, it is only possible to use the ID of the current version of the test.

View questions in Recycle Bin
Corrections were made to allow viewing of the questions in Recycle Bin.

Formative test scores
Corrections were made in Formative test scores, to show the correct score. 

Shuffle formative question items
Corrections were made in shuffle question items of the formative test. 

Formative sections order
Corrections were made in formative sections’ order. 

Duplicated questions in the formative test
Improvements were made when creating a formative test, to not allow adding duplicated questions.